Hi, my name is Phoebus and I sometimes identify as a shark. I'm 2 years old and live with my grandparents. My dad wanted me to live in Miami for awhile so I can experience life in the big city. I was born in Pensacola, Fl and moved in Miami one month ago. I believe I am a Siberian Cat.
I love to play, jump, do somersaults, make biscuits, chew like a shark and most of all, I love to be carried like a baby and have my tummy scratched. I'm a big heavy cat but I can still jump like a superhero.
My channel will be bringing you a look into my life with my grandparents. If you love cats and would've to see how crazy I can get, then make sure to subscribe to my channel. I will be posting everyday so don't miss out on my adventures.
Oh, by the way, I am one handsome devil also which helps. So can't wait to see all the comments on my videos.
Thanks again and I hope we can become friends through my channel.