We Live Stream our Sunday Vigil Mass each week (Saturday at 6pm Sydney time), from Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL) church
in the "Parish of Baulkham Hills", Diocese of Parramatta, located in the north-western part of Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Joseph Lam
Assistant Priest: Rev. Fr. Thomas Bui
Deacon: Rev. Roque Dias.
St. Michael's, Catholic Church, 1 Chapel Ln, Baulkham Hills, Sydney, NSW 2153.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Catholic Church, 1 Canyon Rd, Baulkham Hills, Sydney, NSW 2153.
The combined churches form the Parish of Baulkham Hills.
St. Michael's Parish, Baulkham Hills was established in 1917.
The new Church was blessed and opened in 1980
S.M. History: www.parishofbaulkhamhills.org.au/sm/sm/main.htm
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Baulkham Hills was established in 1969.
The new church was blessed and opened in 1980.
OLOL History: www.parishofbaulkhamhills.org.au/olol/main.htm