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Celestial Ambience

15K subscribers - no pronouns set

Greetings 👋 and welcome to Celestial Ambience! On this ch

Celestial Ambience
1 year ago - 11 likes

Really excited to share that Celestial Ambience has reached 10,000 subscribers! Thanks, everyone, for being here and supporting the channel 🙂 Looking forward to the places we'll go and things we'll see in the future 👨‍🚀🌠🌌


Celestial Ambience
1 year ago - 9 likes

Greetings, everyone! Wanted to share that I've uploaded my first album to streaming services 🙂 Celestial Dreams: Music For Sleep And Relaxation is a compilation of 4 of the most popular pieces of relaxing music from the channel, including Sleeping Planet, Eclipse, Serenity and Celestial Dreams. It's available now on most services including Spotify and Apple Music. Search for "Celestial Ambience" on your favourite app, or try one of the links below:

Apple Music:…

Going forward I want to make my music as accessible as possible, so every couple months I'll be releasing compilations of ambient and relaxing music from the channel, and occasionally entirely new albums as well. Hope you will enjoy the content and that it finds you well!



Celestial Ambience
1 year ago - 4 likes

Been a bit since the last community post, and I wanted to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who's watched my videos and subscribed over the last year! 2022 has been the biggest year of growth Celestial Ambience has seen and it wouldn't have happened without all of you 🙏

When I first started this channel it used to be called Calming Ambience and I uploaded mostly minimalist drone music set to stock photography. Eventually I decided I wanted to focus on space music instead and started learning animation so I could create more interesting videos. Starfield was the first animation I had ever made and I never could have imagined that video would wind up reaching such a large audience! I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to help so many achieve restful sleep 😌 and I am super motivated to create more relaxing content for everyone in the new year!

For 2023 my goals are to continue improving the quality of my animations and music, and to create more space-flythrough videos. I'm also learning how to create binaural beats and implement them into my music, starting with my next video. I will also be overhauling my content on Spotify/Apple Music and making compilations of the channel's music available there as well, starting with an album in January. I hope you'll enjoy the all the new content!

Thanks so much for being here and I hope everyone has a wonderful 2023 🌝


Celestial Ambience
1 year ago - 3 likes

Update: As of July 13, YouTube has remonetized the channel. Thank you YouTube!

Hi everyone! Today I've uploaded a Behind The Scenes video to show how I create content for this channel. The main reason I've uploaded this is because unfortunately YouTube has demonetized the channel for Reused Content again. I'm submitting an appeal where I will ask them to watch this video which shows a breakdown of how I made some of my content. If you're interested in how I make Celestial Music and Animations you can check it out too, I hope it will be an interesting watch!



Celestial Ambience
1 year ago - 10 likes

Greetings, Spacefarers! Today I have a couple of channel updates that I would like to share, and I also want to apologize that its been so long since the last update! There have been several changes to the channel over the last couple of months and I want to keep everyone up to date with what's been happening behind the scenes.

Some of you probably noticed that I have removed all the white noise videos from the channel, and that I've deleted many of the old sleep music videos (and reuploaded some of them with new animations). I've even changed the channel's banner art and icon several times. The reason I've been doing all this is because a couple months ago YouTube demonetized the channel for Reused Content. Many of my old videos and images leaned heavily on stock images of space and YouTube has started being really strict about not allowing this with Ambient channels. I also had to remove the alternate version I had of Starfield (with the stars going the other direction) because that can be considered Repetitious Content and is grounds for demonetization.
After removing all the old infringing content and submitting an appeal, I'm happy to say that the channel has been remonetized today! So, thank you to YouTube for allowing the channel back into the Partner Program :) I hope it will stay this way for a long time, so that I can continue making space music videos here!
A big part of the reason I'm mentioning this is because I think when I turn the ads back on for the channel, there is a chance they might unintentionally show up in the middle of some of the videos, even though I've told YouTube to only display them at the beginning. Sorry if this happens! It should sort itself out soon though. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Going forward, it occurs to me that right now this channel is composed pretty much entirely of peaceful sounding space music and relaxing music, but before I started having to delete a bunch of videos I used to have a lot of white noise soundscapes and neutral/darker sounding space music here as well. Over the next couple months I'll be trying to balance this out and get things back to where they were. I've also been thinking about trying some new kinds of content for the channel, like writing shorter pieces of more conventional ambient music (as opposed to the 10 Hour long videos), as well as some longform ambient space beats to work/chill to. I'll also upload the occasional behind-the-scenes vlog to show what I'm up to and how I make these videos.

Most importantly though, I want to say that I'm so grateful for all of you for being here and supporting the channel! Every comment and like you've left on my videos, every one of you who has subscribed, it really means a lot to me :) I first started making content like this because I have tinnitus and have a hard time sleeping at night without there being some sort of background noise. Eventually I decided to start sharing my sleep music here, hoping that it might help others as well. Seeing all the positive engagement the channel has been receiving is incredibly validating and motivating! And because I wouldn't be here without you, I'd like to ask:

What kind of content would you like to see on this channel in the future?

Also, in the interest of making my music more easily accessible, I've signed up with Distrokid to have it available for the first time on most major streaming services! A selection of music is available for streaming now with more to come in the following weeks and months. This is my way of saying THANK YOU to everyone here :)
