My name is Ali, I am 41 years old. I am a father of two boys and a girl. I live in the village with my family. I am also a screenwriter and write novels.
Since I work from home, I am always alone with nature. I live in a village close to Uludağ, one of Turkey's largest mountains. I raise chickens, cows, geese, ducks, roosters, malaks, rabbits, quails.
I have all the vegetables and fruits in my garden. I love natural life and natural production for my family.
I love natural food and cooking in the countryside.
I usually cook my meals from my own garden and my own animals.
Natural Food, Natural Cooking, Natural Life, Widernesse Cooking and Food Recipe (Chicken Recipe)
I wanted share it. Hope you will enjoy!
My name is Ali, I am 41 years old. I am a father of two boys and a girl. I live in the village with my family. I am also a screenwriter and write novels.
Since I work from home, I am always alone with nature. I live in a village close to Uludağ, one of Turkey's largest mountains. I raise chickens, cows, geese, ducks, roosters, malaks, rabbits, quails.
I have all the vegetables and fruits in my garden. I love natural life and natural production for my family.
I love natural food and cooking in the countryside.
I usually cook my meals from my own garden and my own animals.
Natural Food, Natural Cooking, Natural Life, Widernesse Cooking and Food Recipe (Chicken Recipe)
I wanted share it. Hope you will enjoy!