The main motive behind this channel is to provide vedic knowledge which is cent percent theistic science.
The knowledge of scriptures is vast and unfortunately majority of us are not interested in our own treasure and those who are interested they are misled by wrong interpretation and bogus explanations.
Scriptures means the Vedas, Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagwatam etc which are authorised by the literary incarnation of God i.e. Vyasdeva.
If knowledge is passed down without any personally motivated interpretation, & thats the main goal of this channel.
The practical application of Vedic knowledge is our vedic culture and without culture a human is not called a human he is more or less a four legged animal.
And if we try to learn our vedic sciences and try to practically follow them in our day to day life then we can observe visible changes in our life. Our life will be more joyful, free from anxieties and miseries and peaceful with full satisfaction.