I'm Rob Hale. When I'm not making videogames I'm usually painting models. This is a channel for the second thing.
Each month I try and release at least 2 painting tutorial videos. I also have a weekly vlog called Work In Progress Wednesdays where I show what I'm working on. If there is something to Unbox or review then that would go up on a Monday however that depends on having things to review.
If you are a company that wants me to review your products then please get in touch with me via email.
If you want to support me then you could join my Patreon campaign (www.patreon.com/RobPaintsModels) where you can get all sorts of perks, behind the scenes videos and more.
If you like videogames then you should check out some of the videogames I've made on Steam or go and check out the Squid In a Box channel here on the Youtube.
That's probably enough about me. I hope you enjoy my videos!