Hello friends ❣️ You are watching DJ NIKKI PALSANA Youtube channel.
On this channel, I bring you the Editor, Dj Song, Dj Remix song if you like our song, then like the video, share it and keep supporting us, we will keep bringing you the same bang for your song. You should tell Song as you like in the comment.
* For owners or copyright holders
I do not intend to steal, I only use it for promotional purposes. I upload music for myself and others who choose to visit my channel. I do not sell any of the uploaded tracks, please do not issue a 'copyright strike" against the channel as it affects all previous works
If I have uploaded your song which is yours and you want to delete it, just contact me through my e-mail
nikkipalsana7610@gmail.com *
WhatsApp No. - 7610964183