Hello, my name is Edna. This channel will have a bit of everything going on in my life; school, fashion, friends, family and of course tips and advice!
I've wanted to start a Youtube channel for a while now and after doing a lot of research I decided to launch my first video on New Years Eve 2015!
One of the main reasons for starting this journey is because I've turned to videos when I don't know how to do something or need a little inspiration. I am the oldest of 5 and the first person to go to college in my family thus there have been several instances where I experience things no one in my family has; if I can provide feedback and some sort of direction for people who find themselves in similar situations I will be really happy!
Please feel free to comment or email me if you would like a video answering a particular topic.
Have a beautiful day! Xoxo
-Edna Lezett