Hola Chicos! Well basically I'm going to upload game streams, critics about games and movies and similar stuff related to it.
I'm not a native English speaker (Spanish Latino america) so excuse me for any mistakes I'm going to have during my videos and streaming
Tambien hare videos en Español asi que descuiden!
Let's hope my experience online, puede ser grata y entretenida para todos... o la mayoria al menos :D.
Hola Chicos! Well basically I'm going to upload game streams, critics about games and movies and similar stuff related to it.
I'm not a native English speaker (Spanish Latino america) so excuse me for any mistakes I'm going to have during my videos and streaming
Tambien hare videos en Español asi que descuiden!
Let's hope my experience online, puede ser grata y entretenida para todos... o la mayoria al menos :D.