The Retro Gaming Museum is going to be a small museum located in Iceland and it´s the first of it´s kind here. It is going to include everything related to computer gaming from the start of the gaming industry to current date. The idea is that people can visit and have an hands on experince with different consoles and machines at the museum. Other more rare items will be stored in special displayboxes. The idea is to catalogue and share my personal passion with others, preserve the history behind gaming and hardware related to retro gaming.
This youtube site is suppose to be a supplement to our site and Museum. Showcasing only items that are on display and in our current possession.
The Retro Gaming Museum is going to be a small museum located in Iceland and it´s the first of it´s kind here. It is going to include everything related to computer gaming from the start of the gaming industry to current date. The idea is that people can visit and have an hands on experince with different consoles and machines at the museum. Other more rare items will be stored in special displayboxes. The idea is to catalogue and share my personal passion with others, preserve the history behind gaming and hardware related to retro gaming.
This youtube site is suppose to be a supplement to our site and Museum. Showcasing only items that are on display and in our current possession.