in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
hi guys!! I recorded an episode with @NicoleRafiee :*) but haven't had the time to edit it quite yet! I still want to do a mix of solo and guest episodes, so if you have suggestions of who I should chat with next, please comment them here! (I already have a long list of potential guests including many of my fav youtube mutuals, but also online friends that aren't youtubers or influencers. Hope to have some variety!) kthanksbye
82 - 12
Previously Gifted Podcast is an ode to all the struggling young people trying to figure out how to adult. Host Tiffany Ferguson discusses her experiences and advice about college, traveling, and work. A typical episode includes some Netflix reviews and recommendations, personal anecdotes, and the occasional political rant.