Welcome to "This Sun Is Ours," a playful and innovative exploration of Greek mythology delivered via the potent medium of graphic storytelling. Our series distills millennia of lore into a concentrated nectar of knowledge, adroitly marrying education and entertainment.
The motivation behind this venture is a deep-seated admiration for the enigmatic beauty inherent in Greek mythology. These stories aren't merely fascinating tales - they're also allegorical prisms through which the complexities of life gain color and depth. This project, thus, isn't just about delving into myths; it's about unearthing profound, timeless truths that make our world just a bit more beguiling.
So step into our graphic amphitheater and let's journey back in time, unraveling the golden threads of Greek mythology together, in "This Sun Is Ours." We're excited to share this world with you and, through its ancient stories, shed new light on our own.