Dino’s Kelulut Trigona Honey is a rare and exceptional brand from Malaysia, harvested from the stingless Trigona Thorasica and Trigona Itama species of bees. The stingless bees
are able to take up flower nectar from the deepest parts of the blossom which also has richer concentrations of the plants’ nutrients. As a result, their product, the sweet-sour, fruity-scented Kelulut honey, contains a lot more vitamins, minerals, and medicinal properties than the Apis species. An example is the high propolis content of Kelulut that contributes to the smooth running of the human body’s repair systems.
It contains 16 Amino Acids, Glucose, Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, Bioflavonoids and Minerals, which is no surprise that Dino’s Kelulut Trigona Honey will serve a wide spectrum of health benefits to anyone who takes it including the strengthening and nourishment of the immune system. Hence making it a must-have in every home!