I do have fandoms I enjoy (& 'ships within fandoms).I also seem 2 love the more UC/less popular 'ships within those fandoms, as well as being big fan of Xovers (which would make 'ship an even more UC/less popular pairing..LoL). Don't know why, just is lol.
I do respect everyone's preferences (even if not something I'm abig fan of). To each their own, as I say; afterall, this is all 4 fun.
*Note: APOLOGIES 4 some//most//all vids that seem 2 have glitches//audio disturbances. It's not usually in entire vid, but its still in some lol..the vids w/small glitches are more likely older vids made when I didn't know how 2 adjust so wouldn't happen lol.
*ALSO APOLOGIES 4 THE QUALITY OF SOME//MOST (MAYBE EVEN ALL LOL) OF MY CLIPS! The clips I have now are clips I've had 4 awhile (some from even my old desktop when I'd first started making vids w/WMM...way b4 my Mac).Quality's not gr8 I know & I'm aware can be sorta bothersome lol.
Again, so sorry about that! But hopefully u can still enjoy!