YOU were born to WIN. Believe IT. DETERMINATION! II👊II
Let's go!
Here's what Angela of IG Live #Believe Raids had to say about it: “Meet Nick Vrantsis! Nick is a K-6 health and physical education teacher also known as GYM (Grow Your Mind) teacher at Toronto District School Board. As a teacher he does his best to help students to reach high levels of achievement and well-being and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible adults. He also believes that everyone has a chance to win with determination so he created his YouTube channel to help people have faith, overcome fear, be positive and develop their minds. He also wants the channel to be a way for people to think, discuss, learn and apply knowledge that will help them have a happy, free, peaceful, loving, wealthy and healthy life and it is his way of investing for humanity, one positive thought energy at a time!