Hi Besties!! 👯
I am Mel, as the founder of The Six Step method, I launched a video on TikTok, on 03.09.23 the video went viral and got 5 million views!! Over the course of the last year I have been able to help thousands of women regain their health through a six step method. Whether you’re on medication or not, it does not matter the tools you bring. Together, I have built a community of women with thousands of women to support you.
I myself, Applying the method and I’m down 83 pounds and 111 inches with no medication or surgery assistance. As a former substance-abuse counselor, I teach women how not to wear their trauma on their body in an obtainable and sustainable way even if you use medication or have had surgery, you can learn to love yourself and love food again.
Join us at:
sisterhoodofthesixsteps.com or join a camp & get the meal plan: www.coachmellymel.com