🛰Welcome to FreedomThroughKnowledge 🛰
I'm T3, a Helldiver formerly known as T9-419-816, witnessed too many contradictions in Super Earth's narrative to remain silent. Tired of endless wars and half-truths, I met a few "dissidents" - and from that fateful meeting, FreedomThroughKnowledge was born. Here, we dismantle lies, expose hidden motives and question the stories Super Earth wants us to believe. FTK isn’t just a channel; it’s a collective.
To us, freedom means knowledge – the power to reveal Super Earth's secrets. Each video takes us one step closer to the truth, ripping another page out of their propaganda playbook.
📢To Super Earth: Spare us your "freedom camp" invitations and "democracy officers". We know that freedom means more than you could ever provide!
Stay critical. Stay informed. Real freedom lies in knowing.