I've been building snow sculptures on our front snowbank for over a decade now.
Most of my sculptures are built with non-packing snow!
In the fall of 2020, during COVID, I started a free, online virtual Snow Sculpting Club. My website has details: Snowbankproductions.weebly.com
For videos that support the 8 badges you can earn, please click on PLAYLISTS and then select 'Snow Sculpting Club Badges'.
On Instagram: snowbankproductions
On Twitter: matthew_morris
You may also enjoy some of my skin on frame boat design and paddle making adventures.
For detailed information on these projects Google “urbanboatproject”
I've been building snow sculptures on our front snowbank for over a decade now.
Most of my sculptures are built with non-packing snow!
In the fall of 2020, during COVID, I started a free, online virtual Snow Sculpting Club. My website has details: Snowbankproductions.weebly.com
For videos that support the 8 badges you can earn, please click on PLAYLISTS and then select 'Snow Sculpting Club Badges'.
On Instagram: snowbankproductions
On Twitter: matthew_morris
You may also enjoy some of my skin on frame boat design and paddle making adventures.
For detailed information on these projects Google “urbanboatproject”