Dr. Eduardo Corassa
Clinical nutritionist graduated from Universidade Veiga de Almeida, with emphasis on raw and vegetarian diets, within the health model called Hygienism (Natural Hygiene). Founder of the company SaĂșde Frugal, he is the author of nine books, 5 online, Youtuber, culinary artist, international speaker of retreats and international minister of real retreats. Graduated in Letters, specialized in Natural Hygiene from the University of Natural Health. Theme of interviews by programs such as Globo RepĂłrter, Sem Censura, Camera Record, with power and publications by several magazines. Title of Ambassador of Peace, granted by the Universal Peace Federation â Official member of the UN in Vienna.
For 16 years he has lived on an exclusively raw diet and for 12 years SaĂșde Frugal has been teaching how to obtain health by living healthily, based on a frugivorous diet, sun, sleep, coordinated physical exercises and reintegration with the laws of nature.