Alex TLC supports sufferers of all leukodystrophies and set up by Sara Hunt, a single mum of two sons diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), in 2004. ALD is a rare, terminal genetic brain disorder affecting apparently normal and healthy males aged 4 to 60, causing complete loss of function and death usually within a year of diagnosis. AMN, also caused by the ALD gene, causes debilitating mobility problems of varying degrees for both adult males and females.
Alex TLC is a trusted and experienced organisation offering support and information for all those affected by a genetic leukodystrophy. Formerly ALD Life, an internationally recognised centre of excellence for people affected by adrenoleukodystrophy and adrenomyeloneuropathy, the charity was established in 2004.
Due to popular demand, we extended our services to support all leukodystrophies in 2019 and became Alex, The Leukodystrophy Charity.