First off...thank you so much for stopping by my channel and watching our videos! I'm honored that people enjoy watching something that I love doing as a hobby! Making videos has been a passion since I was very young, long before YouTube! Long before digital cameras, back when I used to carry around a hand-me-down VHS Camcorder! This channel started as a way for me to just simply document small moments in my life, for me to look back and remember. But is now growing into something a whole lot more!!! With that said, if I seem entertaining in the slightest, SUBSCRIBE to my channel and come along our journey in life! LOVE LIVE LAUGH....its pretty simple and basic...I am a minimal simple kind of guy who enjoys a simple life!
Thanks again for watching, liking, and hopefully SUBSCRIBING to my channel!!
If you are interested in sponsoring or have products that work well with me and my channel, feel free to email me at: