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Why do Cantonese people all over the world miss the taste of

一根竹竿一团面团,老板靠它年入百万! #food #探店 #cooking #纪录片 #纪录片 广东老板凭借这一绝技,每天卖出1000份腌面,年入百万! #food #探店 #纪录片 #美食 跟着广东老板学炸猪油,轻轻松松年入百万! #food #探店 #纪录片 #美食 A man from Northeast China sells locusts in Guangdong and earns millions a year with this skill! This is how to clean beef offal, clean and hygienic! #food The correct way to cook Cantonese beef offal! #food #exploringthestore #cooking #documentary Fall in love with Guangzhou, start with a bowl of beef offal! #food He produces 200,000 kilograms of pig skin every year and earns millions a year! Put the pig skin in the sand and it will turn into a top delicacy in 1 minute! This is what the Cantonese do with the pig skin that no one wants! How to make Chinese Hong Kong dim sum, taught by a master chef with 40 years of experience! Authentic Cantonese style soup recipe! Just to have a bite of spare ribs, Cantonese people fight with 100 people for a seat at 4am! A 23-year-old food stall in Hong Kong, China, with 200 kinds of food to choose from! 秘制干锅螃蟹,在家就能做 #螃蟹吃法 #老广的味道 #美食推荐 #美食 #螃蟹 #粤菜 #Shorts 放置三十年的萝卜你还敢吃吗?#老广的味道 #老广的味道第七季 #妙手厨心 #美食 #Shorts 看着热气腾腾的海鲜,我的口水止不住往下流!#Shorts 当行走天下的四川火锅遇到最会吃的广东老餮,又会碰撞出什么新意呢? #Shorts 广式咸蛋酿叉烧,咸蛋与五花肉完美搭配,切开一瞬间我饿了!#Shorts 带你走进珠海斗门,品尝远近驰名的酱油泥鱼!#Shorts 猪杂粥这样煮,做法简单又省事味道鲜美还不苦,营养均衡又好吃!#Shorts 潮汕人爱吃的海石花原来是这样做的!#Shorts 小时候一直不明白柿饼中间的凹陷是怎么来的,终于破案了!#Shorts 广东当地人喝的马蹄爽,解渴生津好饮品!#Shorts 米饭淋上新鲜出炉的蚝油,香喷喷令人胃口大开!#Shorts 你们想看的老广拍摄花絮,镜头背后的小姐姐 !#Shorts 带你见识硇洲岛渔民的家常菜【蒜蓉蒸龙虾】鲜香四溢!#Shorts 一起享受汕头美食文化,南乳肉肥而不腻、肉块绵软嫩滑!#Shorts 炭烤鲍鱼完美融合大海与高原的气息 隔着屏幕都能闻到香味!#Shorts 墨鱼的吃法五花八门,完整的墨鱼下锅卤水你吃过吗?#Shorts 兄弟俩去敲生蚝,边敲边吃,第一次生吃生蚝味道真的很不错!#Shorts