JK's motorcycling adventures on and off road.
I live in South Central Pennsylvania and do most of my riding in and around that area. I also belong to a number of different organizations and associations and go to two or three rallies a year. I'm still trying to figure all this out, but you will find montages of my rides here, mostly focused on first person perspective, the only time you see me is when the 360 camera algorithm focuses too much on the rider and not enough on the scenery and I just didn't edit it all out.
I will also provide objective reviews of things that I have had to purchase multiple variations of in order to decide which one is right for me. I'll do my best not to inject my personal opinion and just give you my experience with them. I'll do these as I get around to them.
As far as everything else goes I will try to post relevant content here that I think would be interesting to those of you who take the time to read it. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the videos!