What if the purpose of the life was to have fun?
Confusion about my identity, gender, body, sexuality, ambition, settling down with a partner, owning a house, made me a mentally paralysed and physically insomniac. There was no freedom. I was lost and running behind things that were not awesome for me. I was trying to fit in, be normal and shrinking to be part of family, and loosing myself.
When I learnt that the purpose of life is to have fun, I was like awestruck! Access Consciousness® tools and body processes empowers and expands one's life, living and happiness quotient in exponential ways. It is not like any other modality you'd ever come across. It provides you with new and surprising ways to explore how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness. It has no answers. Instead it will encourage you to start asking the questions that can create a completely different way of being..
Life is hard, full of unexpected cards and turbulences, having fun isn't! 😉
What if the purpose of the life was to have fun?
Confusion about my identity, gender, body, sexuality, ambition, settling down with a partner, owning a house, made me a mentally paralysed and physically insomniac. There was no freedom. I was lost and running behind things that were not awesome for me. I was trying to fit in, be normal and shrinking to be part of family, and loosing myself.
When I learnt that the purpose of life is to have fun, I was like awestruck! Access Consciousness® tools and body processes empowers and expands one's life, living and happiness quotient in exponential ways. It is not like any other modality you'd ever come across. It provides you with new and surprising ways to explore how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness. It has no answers. Instead it will encourage you to start asking the questions that can create a completely different way of being..
Life is hard, full of unexpected cards and turbulences, having fun isn't! 😉