🐰🕳️ Jump Down The Rabbit Holes of Pop Culture, True Crime,
as well as discover the dangers of money, fame and fortune. 🙀
and join us in season for SUPERCROSS SATURDAYS!
WELCOME! If I look or sound familiar it may be that you have seen me
on my friend Andy Signore’s HIT channel @POPCORNED PLANET
along with friends @ITSKIM + MORE!
Born and Raised From New Jersey, honorary New Yorker.
Now living my total opposite lifestyle in the country up in New England.
Mama Bear to 3 Cats, 1 German Shephard,
and the animals I train for Pet Therapy.
I prefer to live rent free still in the decades of the 80's, 90's and Y2K era.
I preach human rights, voicing your truth and spreading awareness of 'lies' we
have been conditioned by mainstream media and celebrities.
Have an Idea, Tip or Suggestion you would like me to look into?
💌 Send Here: fortherecordyourhonor@gmail.com
💞Tip Jar | Donations
✨Venmo: @fortherecordyourhonor
✨Cashapp: $YASyourhonor