This channel delves deep into the consequences of living a life of crime, joining street gangs as a broken youth, and getting involved in prison gangs looking for what's missing and never finding it as an adult. Speaking on the consequences of living this life and the many losses that they incur. I sincerely believe that the approach used for so many decades does not work, I believe the stories of the great losses and heartache throughout one's life involved in gangs and prison is a better way to reach at-risk youth. By showing them the perniciousness and treachery that is that life. Removing the shadow of glamorization so that coming generations can see the truth of what those organization and that life brings.
This channel delves deep into the consequences of living a life of crime, joining street gangs as a broken youth, and getting involved in prison gangs looking for what's missing and never finding it as an adult. Speaking on the consequences of living this life and the many losses that they incur. I sincerely believe that the approach used for so many decades does not work, I believe the stories of the great losses and heartache throughout one's life involved in gangs and prison is a better way to reach at-risk youth. By showing them the perniciousness and treachery that is that life. Removing the shadow of glamorization so that coming generations can see the truth of what those organization and that life brings.