Welcome to GrowCookPreserve! I'm Kelly Schradin, a biology professor in SW Ohio (USDA Zone 6b). Join me as I navigate the rewarding path of self-sufficiency—homesteading, gardening, composting, foraging, cooking, and preserving, plus the excitement of beekeeping and more.
I focus on working with nature rather than against it. By embracing regenerative and holistic practices—rooted in biodiversity, and soil health—I work to cultivate a resilient ecosystem without reliance on synthetic inputs. Inspired by agroecology, I integrate native trees and shrubs to support pollinators, strengthen the ecosystem, and provide food for us and enough for wildlife.
Sustainability is at the heart of everything I do—managing waste responsibly, reducing my environmental footprint, and being a good steward of the land. Each video is a step toward a more resilient lifestyle, sharing practical insights and science-backed approaches to homesteading, food preservation, and regenerative gardening.