Asalamwalekum ummate mohammadi.. bintAdam means sons and daughters of adam as salam peace be upon him bismillah my chanel maingoal is we are all living in a mobile life we dont have deeni knowledge fully mashallah some people have I have seen hafiz and imans they read the quran fully mashallah remembers when I ask tarjuma theg said don't know whatever I read from books or from internet I need to deliver a single understanding way my target is understandable and simple to memorise whta is good and what is bad ,we follow lot of traditions in Muslims some are not good like going to daragh ,doing fatiha,giving dowry taking,menses are treated bad for women like putting them away when she get periods lot of belifs are following now a days also mg goal is to target truth and false and I Beed to deliver based jn various hadiths and books ,my dear muslimah if you like my content please share it your friends and get rewards from allah..because we get youtube platform for sharing ourview #youtube
Asalamwalekum ummate mohammadi.. bintAdam means sons and daughters of adam as salam peace be upon him bismillah my chanel maingoal is we are all living in a mobile life we dont have deeni knowledge fully mashallah some people have I have seen hafiz and imans they read the quran fully mashallah remembers when I ask tarjuma theg said don't know whatever I read from books or from internet I need to deliver a single understanding way my target is understandable and simple to memorise whta is good and what is bad ,we follow lot of traditions in Muslims some are not good like going to daragh ,doing fatiha,giving dowry taking,menses are treated bad for women like putting them away when she get periods lot of belifs are following now a days also mg goal is to target truth and false and I Beed to deliver based jn various hadiths and books ,my dear muslimah if you like my content please share it your friends and get rewards from allah..because we get youtube platform for sharing ourview #youtube