My name is Tracy Gantlin-Monroy, MDiv, LPC and I am The Resident Therapist. I am a licensed mental health clinician, first Black female Brainspotting trainer in the world, speaker, consultant and Retreat leader. I am on a mission to kick trauma's butt. The body does the work of healing and I trust YOU to heal self.
Beyond being a therapist, I am a trauma survivor growing up on "Easton St." in Accabbee, Charleston, SC. Culture is oftentimes pathologized. We have been taught, "what happens in my house, stays in this house!" We can heal & expand beyond the trauma dynamics that tend to inform your life.
Legal Disclaimer: This is not mental health/psychotherapy/counseling/psychiatry advice. ALL content is for informational purposes only. You should contact your counselor/physician to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Nothing here should be construed to form a therapist/counselor-client relationship. This is solely information for awareness.