Welcome to "The Bible Says Podcast" Join us on a journey through deep theological discussions grounded in the Word of God.
In a world filled with varying belief systems and ideologies, it's crucial for Christians to anchor their faith in the truth of Scripture.
The Bible Says Podcast will explore a variety of biblical doctrines, shedding light on topics like salvation, prophecy, creation, and hitting hot-button topics like eternal security. We want to know what the Bible says about these various topics because we believe that “If you can't defend it clearly from the Bible then you shouldn't believe it vehemently”
We should aligning our beliefs with the timeless wisdom found in the Bible. Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a newcomer to the faith, join us as we journey together in pursuit of truth.
Tune in weekly for insightful conversations, thought-provoking discussions, and a deeper dive into what "The Bible Says."