My name is Jamie Johnson. I am a beginner Remote Viewing Practitioner.
Wiki: "Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance."
I have been practicing remote viewing exercises and techniques since April of 2021.
My Modality is : Modified TDSRV.
This channel has recordings of my RV Sessions of practice 'Targets' from different websites. I record my sessions and then review my video sessions for learning.
I created this channel to share my Remote Viewing sessions . I practice sessions at least a few times a week, and post up 1 RV session. For me, its not about being "right", its about understanding what and why you get impressions you get and linking your impressions to your feedback!!