Seek the Gospel Truth is committed to sharing the truth about the true salvation of #JesusChrist. Sharing the #GospelTruth, not watered-down, or twisted. We cover #Eschatology -- the study of #EndTimesBibleProphecies, #ChristianChurch #History, and interviews with former #Catholics and others who saw the light found the truth and turned from false teachings of the #RomanCatholicChurch and other #religions.
We reveal the #GoodNews (#Gospel) of the Gift of #God's #Grace through #Jesus #Christ and the sacrifice He made on the cross taking our sins away forever. Then defeating death, He was raised from the grave 3 days later.
We believe that when a person sincerely and wholeheartedly repents of their sins, does a complete 180-degree turn in their life, and submits and surrenders his or her life to Jesus, they are #BornAgain. The next step is to be #baptized by immersion and receive the #HolySpirit in your heart to guide you in your new life with Christ. Study the Bible Daily.