TASHEENO is world's first ElectronicAfroDub band and with *EAD* they created their own genre! The driving mix of electronic music, technoid grooves, trance-like house and repetitive dub elements incorporates influences from African, Afro-Caribbean and Latin American club sounds. TASHEENO's performances are convincing in a hybrid setting between elaborated patterns and live elements, between UrbanDance, CyberSka and JamdownHouse - immersive and uplifting.
On stage TASHEENO performs as a group of four: Drums/electronics, bass/synth/electronics, trombone/trumpet and guitar. Names are irrelevant, during their show the musicians wear narrow bar-shaped sunglasses - like censor bars in front of their eyes - that negate any cult of personality. Only the sound coming out of the speakers and the collective rave & celebration counts.