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Buya Yahya

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~~~~~BUYA YAHYA PROFILE~~~~~ Prof. (HC.) Yahya Zaenul Muarif


Prof. (HC.) Yahya Zaenul Muarif also known as Buya Yahya is an indonesian islamic preacher (born on 10 August 1973) and the founder of Dawah Development Foundation and Islamic Boarding School Al-Bahjah in Cirebon. His teaching based on ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah as’ariyah sufiyah ideology. He attended Darullughah Wadda’wah in Bangil Pasuruan East Java. In 1996, he went to Al-Ahgaff University in Yemen. He had been studied about Fiqh (Islamic laws) for 9 years. He ever taught Tarbiyah Faculty and Dirosah Islamiah for 3 years in Yemen. Then completed the Ph.D program at America University for Human Sciences California. Then on January 19, 2023 he received the title of Professor Honoris Causa (HC) from Sultan Agung State University (UNISSULA) Semarang.