I hate emojis, here's why
Hey, you. Yeah, you.. Today is your day! Today is your day to fuck off! No one wants you here, I can here the aliens from here! Earth to you, fuck off! No one loves you! Shut the fuck up, it's not like anyone is listening anyways.. All your so called "efforts" shall go to waste! Happy birthday, time to fuck off! The moon waves at you, screaming "fuck off!" The earth is moving, fuck off! No one cares about you, fuck off! It's your time to fuck off! The phone rings, fuck off! Sorry, that was a robocall. I know no one real would bother texting you.. Fuck off! Congrats, now fuck off and btw i dont give a damn if i'm too annoying to you, and i also play a shitty game made from an EA 2.0