Genuine Chit-Chat - A regular podcast hosted by Mike Burton - "Honest Conversations With Interesting People". Every podcast is something different, ranging from musicians to travellers, authors to business owners, filmmakers and inspirational individuals including those suffering with mental illnesses and many more - no subject is off limits (also found on Spotify, Apple & Google podcasts and the usual podcast places)!
Every month, one episode of Clone Wars Conversations will be released, which is a trio of friends going through every episode of The Clone Wars, half a season at a time - they've also reviewed all of Star Wars: Rebels and Mike has collaborated with numerous creators for weekly reviews of live-action Star Wars shows such as Ahsoka, Andor, Kenobi and more!
Mike & his fiancée Megan have also started a new monthly podcast "M&M Monthly" where they take a topic submitted by you and talk about it for a minimum of 30 minutes!