These are snippets of crystal, rock and fossil information that we hope educate, create wonder and bring support to you. We intend to keep these available for the public to enjoy even when the crystals have found their forever homes.
The Rock Crystal Shop is in Australia where we have now closed the physical stores (Oct 2023). Now I can focus on offering tips and insights for the general viewer via this channel. For the spiritually minded go to @Crystal-Experiences (see "featured channels" section).
If you want to buy the crystals, these videos were created to support our online store: They may or may not be still available for sale.
We do NOT sell via YouTube and we do not monitor messages as we are only a small business of one. Please go to our online shop instead. We do not list the email to keep down the high levels of spam we receive each day.
We can ship overseas but insurance prevents sales to the USA or Canada.