My personal story, a public journal of exploring life as aging Senior Citizen. Aging is compulsory, Maturing is optional….
Presentation of our North American Road Trip (NART), to travel by vehicle, teardrop trailer and accessories…
Sometimes featuring my most loyal and non-judgmental companion of the dog species, Phoenix.
Sometimes (If she consents) featuring my most trusted Soulmate, human in form, goddess of my innate desire and queen of our nest.
Physical Intent: To go far and wide across the North American Continent... Strive for balance between minimalist profile, maximum comfort, and 'extra-ordinary' experience!
Esoteric, Compelled, and Engaged in a personal journey, not for miles and destinations, rather the perpetual pursuit to "Know Thyself!"
This YouTube format is real… I follow many friends stories…. After careful consideration of the pros and cons of sharing my story…
It is very scary to put myself out there…. Vulnerable, exposed…. I trust the Universe….