Roberto Di Molfetta.I was born in Salerno on July 17, 1974. Now I live in Rome.
SEO and Web Marketing Specialist, Writer, Graduated in Communication, Beauty, Art, Cinema and Music lover.
My YouTube channel has reached 82,000 subscribers and over 55 million total video views, at Easter 2022.
I was born at 7 PM in 17-07-1974, in Salerno, a beautiful southern city full of history over the wonderful Campania seafront.
My mother is Roman, while my father is from Ceccano (Frosinone, Latium). Now where I grew up and lived 23 years of my life. I have had several cities of residence (besides my native Salerno, Arezzo, Rome, Ceccano, Frosinone, Colleferro), so I feel 100% Italian more than a single city.
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