Old computer music visualization channel... mostly.
Deleting the songs: All rights belong to the content creators (Artist name). If you don't like your songs uploaded in my channel, you can write to me and I will remove it. You can report your originals and covers by you if you want.
If you did NOT arrange the track, don't try to ask me to delete the video if the creator of the track accepted it.
Requests: You can request a song to be rendered, but don't request any annoying songs (except if it's good music), very bad tracks (intensionally bad tracks are in), and if you spam with tracks it probably will not be accepted. You can request your own song, with same rules.
Making songs:
OpenMPT (ModPlug Tracker);
GoatTracker Ultra;
Program for oscilloscope views:
Editing audio:
Editing video:
VideoPad Trial
Contact: Samplr#6234
If you see grammatical mistakes, don't be suprise, english is not my native language.
Samplr, 2023