The Videos of channel were earlier created for understanding all basics of #eoffice NIC File Management System from A to Z step by step guide and everything shown live and explanation was done in Hindi. On receiving request from many of the viewers who do not understand Hindi, all the videos again created in English & provided in this channel and got a great response from those viewers.
Earlier main main core topics of #eoffice were covered and shown live demo so that all the viewers will not find difficult to work in their offices and departments and will have great knowledge of all the basics and options that is not possible ever to understand in the trainings organized by the department as limited time is there and trainer not remembers everything at a moment. So these videos at any moment of time can be seen, learn and proceed in the real working of #eoffice.
Received requests to create videos on basics of technology, I created many of videos on various technical subjects as well.
The Videos of channel were earlier created for understanding all basics of #eoffice NIC File Management System from A to Z step by step guide and everything shown live and explanation was done in Hindi. On receiving request from many of the viewers who do not understand Hindi, all the videos again created in English & provided in this channel and got a great response from those viewers.
Earlier main main core topics of #eoffice were covered and shown live demo so that all the viewers will not find difficult to work in their offices and departments and will have great knowledge of all the basics and options that is not possible ever to understand in the trainings organized by the department as limited time is there and trainer not remembers everything at a moment. So these videos at any moment of time can be seen, learn and proceed in the real working of #eoffice.
Received requests to create videos on basics of technology, I created many of videos on various technical subjects as well.