Hii my name is Mia, Iam a medical student and I like to make subliminals.
♡Subliminals are the messages sent with an auditory or visual broadcast below conscious processing. Subliminal stimuli are very short auditory or hidden, yet subtle visual messages. Subliminal messages are based on subtle messages..
♡Here Iam sharing my beautiful subs which are very safe, made with immense love 💕 and light. I also use subconscious science to make them as I belong to a scientific community but merging them with laws of universe makes them magical.
Hii my name is Mia, Iam a medical student and I like to make subliminals.
♡Subliminals are the messages sent with an auditory or visual broadcast below conscious processing. Subliminal stimuli are very short auditory or hidden, yet subtle visual messages. Subliminal messages are based on subtle messages..
♡Here Iam sharing my beautiful subs which are very safe, made with immense love 💕 and light. I also use subconscious science to make them as I belong to a scientific community but merging them with laws of universe makes them magical.