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•Shadow Boba•

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Welcome! To my channel my names Shadow Boba (❁´◡`❁) I like t


Welcome! To my channel my names Shadow Boba (❁´◡`❁) I like to entertain people and I do FNAF Gacha I enjoy entertaining all of you guys and it gives me a better time on YouTube ✨

Thank you for checking out my channel (●'◡'●) ❤

I am not the best but I am learning I joined YouTube recently around last year but I strive towards entertaining you all and each day on YouTube I learn something new thank you all.💖 💝

My Socials:

TikTok: shadowbobaa
Discord: soon I guess
YouTube: Welcome to my channel!
Instagram: xshadow_bobax
Roblox: Grace_ak17