Please let me extend my sincerest scalp tingling welcome to every single over-stressed under rested nutcase and insomniac present that seeks respite from their exhaustion. We are honored to toss open our studio doors wide to you warmly invite you in to observe and absorb soulful loving vibrations deep, transformative relaxation healing through the layerd, loving multimedia tingly touch The Virtual Massage ASMR + (vibrational/light/shiatsu/reiki/polarity) channel. You have landed at THE premier ASMR massage library of its kind that proudly touts our artistic composition of tingle-inducing work which consists of the highest quality video, clean tingle-inducing audio and elegant pro lighting to give you a virtual ASMR massage experience like no other.... you could say a VIRTUAL MASSAGE. We offer crisp 4k video to help people relax and sleep.
"Our hands are a gift. Through them we can channel the love in our hearts to help ease the suffering of those around us."