Chef Master Wong is a Professional Filipino Chinese Chef who cooks the most exquisite 5 star international dishes in the world .But because Mr. Wong grew up from a very poor family that he ate only boiled rrice with salt on it as his viand more often when he was just a kid becasue his single mother didn’t have enough money to buy food for 7 children .So when he grew up and became very successful in his career as Chef, he decided to simplify other dishes and make it easier to prepare and cook foods that even ordinary people can make it at low budget yet delicious. Mr Wong loves both Chinese and Filipino dishes as well as International . Come and let us join with him in his unique way and most enjoyable food toturial and serve the best and healthy food for our family and friends. Let us support his channel by subscribing and sharing it to others so that everyone can have the benefits to enjoy best food. Let us spread the good vibes. Bon appetit …Enjoy your meal…