IIAS (Care & Cure) was established in 2002 by Jagmohan Sachdeva. IIAS is one of the biggest service provider in the world in the field of alternate therapies. Jagmohan Sachdeva has developed many healing techniques such as Organ breathing, God consiousness healing, Soul forgiveness method, Micro energy healing system and many more meditation and breathing methods which are highly helpful in improving our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial state.
Get access to our free videos on alternate therapies like Acupressure, Reiki healing, Tarot card reading, Colour therapy, Su Jok therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Vaastu, Hypnotism, Numerology, Theta healing, Past life regression, Dowsing, Merlin trinity, Power of Trinity, Naturopathy, Graphology, Magnet therapy, Angel therapy, Automatic writing, and Astral Travelling.
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