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Eli Wengerd

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I'm the father of 5 amazing kids who love life and who I ado


I'm the father of 5 amazing kids who love life and who I adore greatly. They add so much value to my life that I could not imagine going through life without them. I love hanging out with each one of them as well as with all of them at once. I also love teaching and helping other people so I decided to merge the 2 greatest passions of my life and give my gift to the world by teaching other parents how to connect and enjoy their kids more deeply. I am just an ordinary guy, well, maybe I'm not quite ordinary, my kids certainly think I'm special! I just love to share my gifts. In the past I've worked at construction, real estate, property management, at a plastic factory and more but I've never had the guts to live my ultimate passion, teach other people things I have learned about living a better life until recently I was working with a partner and our real estate investment company failed. Not only did it fail, it failed miserably so I decided to do what I love, teach and share.