Relaxing music, calming sounds and ambience with soothing scenery – all in one place.
A few years ago I wrote down TIME OUT on a piece of paper. I heard many people talk about how they wanted to take a time out from this and that – things that made their life stressful. I had composed some soothing songs and decided that if I ever release an album, the title should be "Time Out".
I then realized that there are more types of videos that can make you relaxed. Not only music, but nature walks, fireplaces, birdsong, rain etc. I have plenty of footage and recordings of that kind and I'm constantly filming new material, so I created this 'all-in-one' relax channel where I produce all videos and compose all music.
My relaxing journey in this stressed out world has only just begun, and you are very welcome to join me.
Stay safe.
Stay relaxed.