Explore the mysteries and wonders throughout Chems.
Immerse yourself in discussions on Islam, the verses of the Koran, our noble prophet Mohamed, the prophecies about Imam Mahdi.
Discover the secrets of the end of times, the hadiths, the Apocalypse, the psalms of David, the history of the holy prophets.
Understand the teachings of Jesus, Moses, khidr.
What Allah has made halal, Haram.
Mecca, hajj, Eid ul-Adha, Ibrahim and Ismail, Ramadan, leila qadr Eid ul-Fitr, kahf, baqara, fatiha, and others to meditate on.
guide by the adhan, Allah. Explore the holy cities, Medina, Jerusalem, the world whether you are in Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Brussels, Casablanca, Dakar, Agadir, Rabat, Tangier, Tunis, Oran, Algiers, or Istanbul.
Chems Dine the eschatologist sails between Dune of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal, Egypt.
Between Shiite, Sunni, Sufi thought. Decipherer of divine messages, erudite or curious, it is the ideal place to broaden your horizons and nourish your spirit.