No one wanted me to speak to people growing up, yet most of them were involved in that. Not even allowing my parents to speak to me. Sounds unrealistic, but it is still my reality.
So people can say whatever they want while they keep silencing not only me but my family also
I also can't forget that my sister in twenty eighteen said she would cut my throat, kill me and no one will find me
Also don't know who I really am either!
Stalked by human sex traffickers in our government who have been silencing me and my family since before I was born and still are harassing, lying, cheating and stealing my things to get away with it, while they continue messing so many things up for not only me but everyone who is silenced
If your truth means I'm a liar and you know your are silencing me, what does that make you?? watch video on my, families enslavement